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Who is Nat & Kee?

2021 was an interesting year, to say the least. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, Nat & Kee burst onto the scene like a Detroit Smash. What started as a humble collection of hair scrunchies quickly grew into something much bigger, fueled by boundless creativity and an insatiable love for all things anime and video games. Those anime conventions proved irresistible, igniting a fire within Nat & Kee to offer an array of merchandise that would make any fan's heart skip a beat.

  • Hand-Made

    Discover the beauty of handmade products that are made with passion. Each item carries a story and a personal touch that you'll love.

  • Fans First

    Experience the joy of shopping "local" with our community-inspired creations. Each item is made after consulting fans in the community.

  • Small Business Buddy

    We're not just a small business, we're your partner in success. Follow us on social media for tips, resources, and all things small business!

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Peep Our Best Selling Items

NNK Accessories

Our wearables and shareables!