Our Second Outdoor Market: An Interview of Each Other

Our Second Outdoor Market: An Interview of Each Other

While playing a wild round of Fortnite, we got to chatting about our last event for the year.

Kee: So! You found this Holiday Market. What drew you to this particular event?

Nat: It was local and I've never done a holiday festival before!

Nat: What sort of expectations do we have?

Kee: Well we had a super exciting time at J1-Con with 2 successful selling days, so I'm hoping that momentum and the wave of Shop Small will allow us to end the year off strong!

Kee: What products do you think will be our best sellers this time?

Nat: I bought a ton of acrylic ornaments, so I hope to sell out of them! Not gonna need them after Christmas.

Nat: What tactics are we going to use to gain more email subscribers?

Kee: Oh man! That's a tough one. Last time we forgot to bring out the form, so I'm not really sure. Maybe we can try the email sign up form again?

Kee: What type of customers do you think we'll meet at this event? Anime fans? Gaming fans? Or maybe just those that like custom jewelry?

Nat: I've only been to the holiday market at Bryant Park, which draws a lot of different audiences, so I am not sure what the turn out will be. What I can say is, there has been an increase in interest for handmade jewelry, so possibly that crowd.

Nat: How do we plan to stand out amongst the other vendors?

Kee: My goal is to spend less time sitting and more time in the foreground. At J1-con, we sat most of the time and simply watched people browse. I hope to be more engaging and bring out our brand voice.

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